Thursday, August 26, 2021

Sudden Level 4 Lockdown

This week our country went into level 4 lockdown. Unlike last time we did not see this coming and we were unable to prepare ourselves or our students for reassurance or home learning. It has been our priority this week to get in touch with all of our whanau to check their well-being and to start making plans to send learning packs and chromebooks home. The main focus during lockdown is to keep everyone safe and happy so please just do what works for your whanau. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Bullying Role Play

 We have been learning to identify bullying behaviour and see its effects on the peoples involved. We have been learning about the different roles people take in the cycle of bullying. We split our class into smaller groups to create a story line and role play about bullying. The students did really well presenting in front of our class for most students this was a scary task but they all did so well. Here are some of our plays.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Math-Whizz Superstars

Below are our Maths-Whizz superstars for term 2. This is a significant achievement showing that these students have shown great determination, resilience and accelerated learning in maths. These student's should be very proud of their efforts that they have put in over the term. Keep up the amazing work!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Te Roto Assembly

 Today Te Roto had their turn at hosting our school assemblies. Whaea Dawn always has the most fun assemblies with some awesome prizes at the end. Today some students and teacher's were selected to compete in a pie eating competition. Matua Hohua and Trinity represented Te Awa. We think they did an amazing job. The winner in the end was Whaea Bridget, she was like a little vacuum  cleaner.

Video form left to right: Whaea Ali, Matua Hohua, Whaea Bridget, Awaroa, Trinity and Diontay.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Cross Country

This term our main focus for H.P.E is to set personal goals with our fitness levels by tracing our cross country achievements. Each student set a personal best record for an amount of laps running our our cross country track. From here we set realistic goals that we wanted to achieve by the end of the term. Most children added 2 or 3 laps to their current amount of laps that they could do. Next we thought about all the steps that we could take to meet this goal and listed them in our blogs. 

Below is an image of our cross country corse. We measured it to be around 444 metres with a slight incline and decline in areas. We can not wait to see if our students meet their goals at the end of them term.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Beginning our blogging journey

This term we have set the challenge in our class for each student to complete one quality blog post per week. Some of us have posted some blogs when we have been working with Whaea Donna but we still need a bit more help until we can confidently blog on our own. 

Here is a link to our new blog pages that were added to our Te Awa site this term. Now it is possible for us all to see and post positive comments on our class mates blogs.