Sunday, May 30, 2021

Mana Potential: What 'Mana" looks like in our classroom.

Last week we had Whaea Angeline in to teach us about Mana Potential and all the benefits it could have for our school. We did some activities where we learnt about 'mana' and we designed a performance to show our understanding. We learnt that 'mana' looks different to different people and that our words and actions can enhance, maintain or diminish a persons 'mana'. We had lots of fun doing our performance below is a quick video showing what we come up with. 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Math & Movement

In Te Awa we’re on a mission to help all students succeed in a fun and effective way. Our students learn through different styles such as visually, auditory, and kinaesthetically. We have noticed this multi sensory learning approach helps boosts retention and self-confidence.

 " We have been learning to skip count in 2, 5 and 10 through games and movement. We played a volley ball game where we had to try hit the ball over the net as many times as possible. The amount of times that we hit the ball over the net was how much points we got for our classroom. We we allowed to skip count up in 5's so we could get more points, we got our class 40 points. It was lots of fun". From Ngahuia.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Morning Enviro Rotations

 This year we have a really big class and we have been finding it very difficult to get all of students involved in our hothouse and chicken learning. So we have designed a 'Morning Enviro Rotation' we our students are divided into 5 groups and each group has a day where they go and do our enviro work. Each day is slightly different but the groups care for and learn about our hothouse, our chicken and the Rongoa Garden. The students have enjoyed doing our enviro mornings in these smaller groups as they get more of a chance to do the jobs and the chicken comes closer to the students when they are in smaller groups. They have throughly enjoyed eating our cheery tomatoes from our hothouse too they are really sweet at the moment.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Kapa Haka

Every Thursday Matua Hohua takes our whole school for Kapa Haka. We practice the waiata that we will be singing at our assemblies, pohiri whakatau and our end of year prizegiving. It is a great time for the Te Awa students to show their excellent role model skills and for the school to participate in an activity together, showing our school values of Kaitiakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Rangatiratanga and Ako.