Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Oturu School Classroom Names

We have been learning about the meaning behind our classroom names. 

Te Roto, Te Puna, Te Awa, Te Moana.

We created some visual art to represent our classrooms.

Te Roto represents the Lake. It is situated next to Papatuanuku and Te Wharenui o Oturu. It was given its name because it is close to our centre. At this point in time it is our new entrant class. 

Te Puna represents the spring. Te Puna is where the fresh water begins its journey, preparing itself to travel to Te Awa, the river and out to Te Moana, the sea.  Te Puna is likened to the journey our junior tamariki take when beginning their learning journey at Oturu school. 

Te Awa represents the river. Te Awa is the middle point of the water cycle. The place which connects Te Puna to Te Moana. It is the home of our middle school tamariki. 

Te Moana is the name given to our senior class. It is the final journey of the water cycle. And the final journey at Oturu school for our Senior Students. Just like the sea it is a big place with a diverse culture. We begin a new journey and learn more about ourselves, the wider community and the world. 

1 comment:

  1. kia ora koutou Te Awa Whanau,
    I really enjoyed your post about your class names, I learnt a lot reading the post. You where very creative with your visual art that represented your classes and their special names. I liked how you used lots of different materials. If you had to add another class what would you name it?
    I am looking forward to reading more of your posts. Keep up the great work and blogging about it.
    Whaea Donna
